Origins of Captain Cannabis -

Origins of Captain Cannabis

The Captain Cannabis superhero was created by artist/animator Verne Andru in the mid 1970's. The first Captain Cannabis comic book appeared shortly thereafter.
The original Captain Cannabis illustration, complete with period-correct platform boots, also served as the cover for the first Captain Cannabis comic book.

The original story - Roll Me Another One - was 16 pages of glorious black and white. It features Hal Lighter who, after smoking some of the good stuff, transforms into superhero Captain Cannabis to defend against injustice.

By May 1977 Verne had completed a second Captain Cannabis comic book, Roll Me Another One, Just Like The Other One, which expanded the story to 42 black and white pages.

In 2005 Verne published his 420 comic, the first in a series of the Captain Cannabis origin story.

After the first issue was completed it was filed with the Canadian Copyright office who issued this official certificate dated 4/20 1977! To the best of our knowledge, this is the oldest, and only official correlation between the 4/20 date and the cannabis culture!