420::010 Re-Think - CaptainCannabis.com

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420::010 Re-Think


            The chef and a few waiters notice Hal's bus in the alley as
            they come out back door for a puff.

            INT. BUS

            Hal sits at the wheel caught in the horns of a dilemma.

                      Prime directive number two, it ain't my
                      responsibility. Just some creepy little
                      dude. Probably not even an alien. That's
                      it; just some kid what eats too much pot.
                      That'll make you glow.

            The OLD DRUNK approaches his open window.

                      Spare change?

                      Sure, why not?

            As he reaches into a pocket the old man wanders off giggling
            to himself. Someone starts BANGING ON THE BUS DOOR. 

                      Hey Lighter, choo in dere? The band's
                      been lookin all over.

            BACK OF THE BUS

            Hal comes around, rolls out the bike and grudgingly starts
            unloading gear.

                      Yeah, yeah. I'm on it.

            A joint falls from his pocket as he bends over.


                                HAL - O.S.
                      Hello? Where did you come from? Oh
                      yeah...it's from that green-dudes stash.

            He sits down on the bumper and pulls out Mr. Zippo while
            continuing his conversation with himself.

                      Gotta feel sorry for the little dude. Not
                      sure how I'd feel crashing on some weird
                      ass planet.

            ANGLE ON

            Homeless and dumpster divers mixed with punks, kids with
            spiked purple hair and body piercing, people in suits, etc.

                                HAL - O.S.
                      And this is about as weird as it gets.

            He fires up Mr. Zippo, but again stops short.

                      Whoa, what am I thinking? That dude was a
                      major violation of both prime directives.
                      Duh, good riddance.

            The Zippo finds its mark. As Hal holds his breath, his eyes
            roll back and he collapses, his consciousness exiting to the
            sound of TEARING VELCRO and floating away from his body
            below. After a BEAT, he's floating in a sea of BLACK. Spots
            of sparkling light appear, swirling to the point of vertigo. 

            HAL'S POV

            Shooting into space with an overwhelming speed, he stops
            suddenly. Hanging suspended, he gazes down on Earth then
            descends into a TUNNEL, falling faster and faster, surrounded
            by stars blurring into horizontal streaks of light, then a
            cylinder of energy. Like traveling through a tube of neon he
            falls. At blinding speed the sides of the tunnel dance by
            hypnotically until

            ANGLE ON

            his astral body lands with a belly-flop on a membrane-like
            substance. Hearing strange sounds through the sticky haze, he
            collects himself. Somewhere in time and space he bounces
            through rocks and forest as if in low gravity towards what he
            finally makes out as a lame Sonny and Cher tune.

                                ASTRAL HAL
                      Dude, you'd think I'd at least trip to
                      descent tunage.

            He recognizes he's back at Mikey's. Some marines have a sound
            system mercilessly blasting at the now closed mine entrance.

                                ASTRAL HAL (CONT'D)
                      Poor Mikey. Nobody can stand that kinda
                      torture for long.

            Spotting some smoke, he moves to find marines feeding the
            flames engulfing what was Mikey's cabin. Helicopters and a
            makeshift camp are barely visible through the haze.

                                ASTRAL HAL (CONT'D)
                      Damn, if there's a hell, this is it. All
                      that's missing is the devil himself.

            He spots Marion.

                      Marion? No way. This must be a dream.

            Marion squints at the strange apparition.

                      Hal? No way.

                                SERGEANT TROY
                      This shit's getting us nothing but
                      migraines. Where's my intel order?

            As Hal floats toward Marion the scene turns ominous, mushing
            into a swirl of lights that morph into ghoulish faces. Loud
            BUMPS and MANIACAL LAUGHTER replaces all other sounds. The
            faces continue morphing into horrible zombies, then merge
            into a singular, terrifying DEVILISH SPECTRE - THE DWELLER ON
            THE THRESHOLD.

                                DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD
                      You are in my domain now.

            Hal freaks, trying to pull back with nowhere to go.

                      What do you want?

                                DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD
                      You brought an enemy. It must be
                      destroyed. You must be destroyed.

                      What the hell are you on about, dude?

            The Dweller lunges, sending Hal twirling into the void,
            disoriented. The Dweller presses.

                                DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD
                      Hell...yes, it must be hell! More
                      suffering. Fear. More death!

            Hal shakes violently as he's surrounded by the lunging

                      Go away. Leave me, aaaargh!


            Hal's on the ground behind the bus in a state of frenzied
            delusion, the old drunk trying to bring him around.

                      ...stay away...

                      Hey buddy, nobodies gonna hurt ya.

            Hal sits up groggily holding his head.

                      I'm seriously losing it. I just had this
                      weird-ass dream. Mikey's place surrounded
                      by army dudes. Marion locked in a pen.

                      I think you need a drink.

            Hal accepts the drunk's old whiskey flask.

                      You're the bum keeps askin for change.

            The old man pulls a handful of gold coins from his pocket.

                      Giggle, I'm not asking for change, I'm
                      asking if you want it. Here, take it all.

                      You're not making sense. What should I
                      expect from an old drunk?

                      If'n more people helped each other, we'd
                      all be better off. People gotta learn to
                      trust in their hearts.

            Hal takes a drink from the bottle.

                      Hey, this's water...

                      Giggle, haven't touched a drop in years.
                      Gettin rid of my attachments. 

                      Attachments? That's what that dumpster
                      diver dude was on about.

                      Attachments keep pullin ya back to this
                      crazy place. Gotta give'm up. Hee-hee,
                      all I got left is this ol body, and it
                      ain't got much time left.

                      Attachments. Damn dude, my boat sunk,
                      this weird-ass glow-in-the-dark dude ran
                      off, and Marion...

            This is Hal's moment of truth and it hits hard.

                      Still so sure it was a dream?

                      Marion. I think she needs help. It's like
                      I can feel her calling out to me.

                                FREDDIE - O.S.
                      What the fuck do you think you're doin

            Freddie and Barton storm out of the club.

                      The label's going to be here any minute
                      and he's napping in the fucking lane.

            Hal gets up, dusts himself off and help the old man up.

                      Thank you old dude. You may just have
                      saved me from a fate worse than death.

            Hal turns to the band members.

                                HAL (CONT'D)
                      Gosh Freddie, I'm real sorry. If you want
                      your gear setup...

            Hal gets on his motorcycle.

                                HAL (CONT'D)
                      ...fill your boots. I got a damsel in
                      distress to rescue.

            The bike starts on the first try and he's off.


            REALLY BAD MUSIC blares as Marion huddles alone, cold, hurt
            and afraid. She tries to get Butts attention as he walks by.

                      Sorry about the ape crack. And the moron
                      one. Come on let me go please.

                      Not on your life sister. We got a score
                      to settle. Sides, Serge promised I could
                      have you after he's done.

                      Have me for what?

            Butts makes a smooching gesture and laughs as he goes on with
            his business. 

                                MARION (CONT'D)
                      This is all Hal's fault. I'd turn him in
                      if I knew where he was. No, kill him
                      first, then turn him in.

            Even though the Marines either hold their ears or wear ear
            muffs, the noise is getting to everyone; short attention
            spans, snapping at the slightest provocation, etc.

                                SERGEANT TROY
                      Where the hell is my intel order?

                                LIEUTENANT BALDWIN
                      Time to change the tune? Play a little

                                SERGEANT TROY
                      Harp music will help exactly how?

                                LIEUTENANT BALDWIN
                      That's HAARP, High Frequency Active
                      Auroral Research Program. The world's
                      largest radio transmitter just north of
                      here in Alaska.

                                SERGEANT TROY
                      Do we pipe in the movie-of-the-week while
                      we're at it?

                                LIEUTENANT BALDWIN
                      You're missing it Troy. We use it for all
                      sorts of things;
                      starting tornadoes, earthquakes, it sees
                      into underground bunkers. It can scramble
                      people's brains or make anyone, from a
                      single person to whole nation, do
                      anything we want.

                                SERGEANT TROY
                      Of course. How else could Jr. get

                                LIEUTENANT BALDWIN
                      Exactly. Coming from Alaska, we don't
                      need the intel order. We bounce a sub
                      space beam through the sat array and
                      focus it into the sound system here...

                                SERGEANT TROY
                      You heard the man, put in the call!

            Johnson runs off to the Giant Chinook.

                                LIEUTENANT BALDWIN
                      ...scan the bunker for life signs, lock
                      in and with a bit of luck, shut down
                      their equipment and fry their brains.


            The President travels with his Secretary's of State and
            Defense, Brother Ignatius, an aide and a couple of ARMED
            GUARDS through a high-tech complex to a high-speed, tube
            train with MJ-12 ID on the side.

                                SECRETARY OF STATE
                      ...one more time. A race of ET's landed
                      on Earth about 400,000 years ago. They
                      come from a planet called tAzoonia that
                      does a 3,600-year orbit of the Sun.

                      That's where you're losing me. How do
                      they survive? If they go that far from
                      the sun their planet must be like ice. 

                                SECRETARY OF STATE
                      That's where you have to do a rethink.
                      Heat comes from inside the planet, not
                      the sun. All it does is draw the heat out
                      where it gets trapped under the ozone
                      layer. As long as they're in sight of the
                      sun, they have heat.

            Once boarded, everyone buckles up. The door slides shut and
            with a jolt the train travels out of Los Alamos. Military
            personnel are seen doing their business through the windows.

                                SECRETARY OF DEFENSE
                      Their ozone got a hole, like ours. After
                      some experiments they found powdered gold
                      plugs it. When they ran out of their own,
                      they set up a mining colony here. Gold
                      gets ferried to a way-station on Mars,
                      then to their planet when it comes close.

            The train breaks into a brightly lit tunnel, picking up a
            tremendous speed.

                      And where are these gold miners now?

                      In a way, they're everywhere sir. They
                      needed mine slaves so they cloned an
                      indigenous Earth being with themselves.
                      Humans and Grays are what's left. The
                      tAzoonians themselves evacuated 500 BC.

                      And they're due back?

                                SECRETARY OF DEFENSE
                      In about a thousand years.

                                SECRETARY OF STATE
                      That's what 9-11 was all about. Our
                      shuttle program fell back so the Grays
                      used one of theirs to pick up the last
                      gold shipment. 9-11 was the only way we
                      could shut down all air traffic and
                      guarantee they went undetected. 


            Mona leads oKee, dressed in DOLL CLOTHING with a Mona makeup
            job, to a park bench. He glows only a little now. People rush
            by, ignoring him as they do all homeless. The SANDWICH GUY
            stands close with a white plastic bag dangling between hands
            held in prayer, muttering with eyes closed.

                      Wait right here. I won't be long. 

            The plastic bag swaying back and forth mesmerizes oKee.

                                MONA (CONT'D)
                      Don't bother about him. He can't talk.

            A well-dressed lady, leash and white plastic bag in hand,
            stands in the middle of the park. oKee watches intently as a
            dog at the business end busily makes a steaming pile. When
            done, she picks the do up with her bag. oKee switches focus
            from her bag to the Sandwich Guy's. They are identical.

            The Sandwich Guy sits beside oKee. Carefully opening a loaf
            of white bread, he removes two pieces. He pulls out a package
            of processed cheese, putting a slice on the bread and
            returning the wrapper and remaining cheese to his bag. He
            opens a bag of potato chips, neatly placing some on top of
            the cheese before finishing his sandwich with the top slice
            of bread. He stops short of taking a bite when he notices
            oKee staring transfixed. He fiddles in his bag, pulling out a
            large pickle that is offered to oKee. oKee glances to the
            lady with the dog, then to the pickle. Sandwich Guy shrugs,
            proceeds to eat the pickle and sandwich.

                      Confused everything here is. I'm
                      forgetting something must do.

            A couple walks past having a "disagreement."

                      If you really loved me you wouldn't have
                      anything to do with her anymore.

                      But honey, she's my grandmother.

                      Love, yes that's it. 

            The dog speaks telepathically as it walks by.

                      You want love?


                      Love is having someone to pick up your
                      shit for ya. Now if you'll excuse me, I
                      gotta finish walking my human.

            The dog drags its master on through the park.

                      Love is here wrong. I am crazy going.
                      What to do?

                                SANDWICH GUY - O.S.
                      Follow your heart.

                      Heart? Yes, something about heart...

            Sandwich Guy gestures down an alley to a glimmer of light.

                                OKEE (CONT'D)
                      Diamond heart! Yes, follow I must.

                                MONA - O.S.
                      Beebee my love, Mona's got a big

            FAVOURING MONA

            The Sandwich Guy eats alone as Mona approaches with a few
            weltering roses. Sandwich Guy shies away as she proceeds to
            pound on him with the flowers then a flurry of bony fists.

                      Beebee? What have you done with my
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